Robert A. Moss, Ph.D., ABPP, ABN
Bob is a clinical neuropsychologist with North Mississippi Regional Pain Consultants and a former associate professor of clinical psychology. He is board certified in both clinical psychology and neuropsychology. In the 1980’s he did facial pain and headache research as an assistant professor with an NIDR grant. While in that position, he developed the columnar brain theory that he used to guide his clinical conceptualization and treatment. He subsequently worked with an inpatient comprehensive pain program and spent over 20 years in private practice during which time he frequently treated work injury patients with chronic pain. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed professional articles. In 2020 he authored a monograph length article (AIMS Neuroscience) and a more detailed book (Cambridge Scholars) on the clinical applications of the brain model in the psychological treatment of chronic pain patients. He served 5 years as the founding editor-in-chief of AIMS Neuroscience and 10 years as the behavioral science section editor for the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice. He is now the editor of the Bulletin of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology.